Photo challenge fail

Well, I discovered why the photo challenge is called a challenge. Because it’s not easy.

Seems like it would be easy – just post a photo every day for 30 days – but it’s not. Life just gets in the way. For me I got sick for a while, I had a travel to a wedding, and work… the ever present work. Reminds me of something one of my professors said to me when I was in grad school. At a time I had a young family. It was living apart for them to go to school and commuting home on the weekends. It was difficult. I was also older and it was training for a second career after being in the military. Basically, I was not your typical student living your typical student experience.

When I mentioned these challenges to my professor, she said “well school would be easy if life didn’t get in the way.” But it always does, doesn’t it?

As I’ve gotten older, I realized that John Lennon was right, life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans. It’s a journey that should be enjoyed. It cannot be planned to perfection.

And so, if you didn’t complete the photo challenge, who cares? There’ll be another one coming along soon, and if you fail that one too, no matter. All that matters is that I had fun posting some photos and I’m still posting at the end of the month. Why? Because I’m enjoying it. And that’s enough. It is all that matters

April photoblog: day 30 - hometown

Glen Hansard in my hometown. 2018

Dawn patrol at the lake. Early am ruck

April Photoblogging: Day 29 - drift.

Waiting for a fish to rise….

April photoblog: Day 25 - spine. This is a tough one… have no idea what to post.

April photoblog challenge: Day 24 - light. Wilco, 2016

April photoblog challenge: Day 23 - dreamy….

April Photoblog challenge: Day 22 - blue

Well to answer my own question, I clearly missed a week of the April photoblog challenge. So it goes. Here is my Day 21 entry: mountain.

So I took a little hiatus… had to travel for a wedding, then immediatly had a major work project due that ended up me getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night for almost a week beforee it was finished. Rested this weekend. Now feeling better and getting back in groove.

What did I miss?

April photoblog - Day 11: Sky. (the sky can do some wonderful things, especially in Colorado).

April photoblog - Day 10: Train (Prague Main Station)

April photoblog - Day 9 (delayed entry): Crispy. (breakfast ham)

April photoblog - Day 8 (delayed entry) - Prevention. Leakage prevention. Nuff said….

April Photoblog - Day 7 (delayed entry) - Well Being. I was feeling pretty good after a 15 mile run back when I was running a few years ago. Taken in the car right after finishing. Long slow runs are so therapeutic.

Unfortunately, i was not able to post for a few days for technical reasons. So now I have to catch up - especially for the photoblogging challenge. I hope no one will hold it against me with some catch up posts.

April photoblog - Day 6: Windy 2. Hurricane Micheal, 2018. I have been through a lot of hurricanes, but I have NEVER seen anything like this and NEVER want to see it again. Lost office, home, and a few years of my life rebuilding.

April photoblog - Day 6: Windy. Hurricane Micheal, Cat 5, 2018. This event may warrant two “Windy” post, because it certainly was….

April photoblog - Day 5: Serene. No more need be said.

April photoblog - Day 4: foliage (as in fall foliage - Rocky Mountains, USA.)