
Here is what I am doing NOW.


I have started reading again for fun and intellectual stimulation. I am mixing ebooks, hardbacks, and audiobooks. Kobo is my preferred book source. Kobo works well and has audiobooks. Amazon already has plenty of my money - don’t need to give them any more. Also bought a BOOX. Works well nd multi-platform. Ibis replacing my Kobo as a reader, but I still by books at Kobo. Also reading hardcopy - prefer it actually. Currently reading Throne of Grace a great book about mountain men of the early 19th century - something I did not know a lot about - until I started reading the book

Reengaging with Social Media.

Reluctantly. But there are not many good alternatives. Unfortunately . . . I will be careful and (try to ) have more control.


We have vowed to travel more, and we are doing so. We went to France earlier this year, And an heading to Portugal soon. And of course, always Colorado.

Updated: 2024-08-23