I am not a major tech geek or programer like many here on micro.blog. I mess around with it when i can, but I don’t need to know tech or use it for my livelihood. Its just a hobby.

But its a hobby I enjoy. And I love learning new stuff and how it all fits together in this modern world. So that brings me to my new project. Learning … slowly … how to use HTML and CSS to make simple websites. A simple HTML/CSS website is future proof, portable, and fast. It also doesn’t rely on any proprietary third party program or framework. It’s just text, images, and directories. No one to steal your data or track you into oblivion. Not based on any company that go bankrupt in the future.

I also like simple things that have a strong Lindy Effect. The longer something has been around, the longer it is more likely to be around in the future. So I am going to start “developing” some basic HTML / CSS sites for fun and knowledge. Yes, I. know that may be a big waste of time and that ChatGPT could do it quicker. But I wamt to learn it. And the best way to do that is to do it, not have someone or something ese do it for me..

I may post some sites here form time to time. We will see. But I am going to give it a run. Hell, I am getting ready to retire soon (not soon enough according to Mrs. robj). Will need something to do…