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Apr 30, 2024: Photo challenge fail Well, I discovered why the photo challenge is called a challenge. Because it’s not easy. Seems like it would be easy – just post a photo every day for …

Apr 30, 2024: April photoblog: day 30 - hometown Glen Hansard in my hometown. 2018

Apr 30, 2024: Dawn patrol at the lake. Early am ruck

Apr 29, 2024: April Photoblogging: Day 29 - drift. Waiting for a fish to rise….

Apr 25, 2024: April photoblog: Day 25 - spine. This is a tough one… have no idea what to post.

Apr 24, 2024: April photoblog challenge: Day 24 - light. Wilco, 2016

Apr 23, 2024: April photoblog challenge: Day 23 - dreamy….

Apr 22, 2024: April Photoblog challenge: Day 22 - blue

Apr 21, 2024: Well to answer my own question, I clearly missed a week of the April photoblog challenge. So it goes. Here is my Day 21 entry: mountain.

Apr 21, 2024: So I took a little hiatus… had to travel for a wedding, then immediatly had a major work project due that ended up me getting 3-4 hours of sleep a …

Apr 11, 2024: April photoblog - Day 11: Sky. (the sky can do some wonderful things, especially in Colorado).

Apr 10, 2024: April photoblog - Day 10: Train (Prague Main Station)

Apr 10, 2024: April photoblog - Day 9 (delayed entry): Crispy. (breakfast ham)

Apr 10, 2024: April photoblog - Day 8 (delayed entry) - Prevention. Leakage prevention. Nuff said….

Apr 10, 2024: April Photoblog - Day 7 (delayed entry) - Well Being. I was feeling pretty good after a 15 mile run back when I was running a few years ago. Taken in …

Apr 10, 2024: Unfortunately, i was not able to post for a few days for technical reasons. So now I have to catch up - especially for the photoblogging challenge. I …

Apr 6, 2024: April photoblog - Day 6: Windy 2. Hurricane Micheal, 2018. I have been through a lot of hurricanes, but I have NEVER seen anything like this and NEVER …

Apr 6, 2024: April photoblog - Day 6: Windy. Hurricane Micheal, Cat 5, 2018. This event may warrant two “Windy” post, because it certainly was….

Apr 5, 2024: April photoblog - Day 5: Serene. No more need be said.

Apr 4, 2024: April photoblog - Day 4: foliage (as in fall foliage - Rocky Mountains, USA.)

Apr 3, 2024: April photoblog- Day 3: Card

Apr 2, 2024: April photo - Day 2 - flowers. At the U.S. Nationl Botanical Garden in Washingtonon DC. Everything there made out of plants.

Apr 1, 2024: April photo - Day 1 - toy (poodle)

Mar 31, 2024: Beautiful Easter Sunrise Service this morning. Lovely weather. Good company. Sitting on the grass right by the bay/ I don’t have any pictures … only …

Mar 30, 2024: Ok. Still tinkering with various themes and plug-in on Maybe I will settle down soon. But only a month in to my rebirth here and need to …

Mar 29, 2024: HTML/ CSS - Tech Simplicity I am not a major tech geek or programer like many here on I mess around with it when i can, but I don’t need to know tech or use it …

Mar 27, 2024: Procrastination We are all guilty of procrastination. Rare is the person who doesn’t procrastinate. It’s good to remind ourselves of how short our lives …

Mar 25, 2024: New Podcast - Open Ears 🎙️ Kind of fell into the Open Ears podcast last week. I was listening to Atlas Obsura - a FANTASTIC podcast BTW - when they put on an advertisement for …

Mar 22, 2024: The Dynasty 📺 Watched “The Dynasty” on Apple TV, which is about the New England Patriots 20 year run at the top of the NFL. I am a huge, lifelong …

Mar 21, 2024: Biking at the Beach Spent the day with Mrs Robj yesterday to be together and honor our son. The day was fun and beautiful, like our son, and a reminder of all that is …

Mar 20, 2024: Remembering ... Remembering my daredevil son on this first day of spring. Its been eight years today since his passing. My wife and I spent a wonderful day together …

Mar 19, 2024: Just ordered a tuxedo for a fancy event in Jupiter Florida at the Pelican Club. Never been to Jupiter before but somthing tells me it’s got an old …

Mar 18, 2024: My First NAS I bought a Synology 1522+ last week from B&H Photo with 4x 16TB drives. Arrived last Friday and I spent the weekend setting it up. It went fairly …

Mar 16, 2024: Spring blooms on a beautiful Saturday morning

Mar 15, 2024: Barnes and Noble Expanding! We got a Barnes and Noble in my little town! I thought we would never get one because they stop opening physical books stores a few years ago. But …

Mar 13, 2024: Advice to my Children When my kids were growing up and struggling with the realities of life, I gave them three “rules” to remember: There will always be …

Mar 10, 2024: Dune 2 Saw Dune 2 with the Mrs. yesterday. Not bad. Better than Dune 1 from a few years ago. Likes: cast well for the most part (see dislikes). Followed the …

Mar 8, 2024: Foundation Been watching Foundation on Apple TV Season 1. Pretty good. Started strong in my opinion, but getting hard to follow later in season 1. All the …

Mar 7, 2024: Starting Anew .... Here we go again. Starting again with the blogging on Good news: Its a restart and a new day. Bad news: Its a restart of the same old day …

May 13, 2023: Rucking .... Managed to “ruck” 8 miles this am in preparation for my [hike] ( this summer. Rucking is …

Apr 20, 2023: I guess I still don’t get it. I have been a paid subscriber for many years, and it just never seems to work for me. I am not sure why. I keep …

Mar 7, 2023: For over a decade I have really despised Facebook. Its hard to like a company that you can’t trust. And you most definitely can’t trust …

Mar 6, 2023: Started watching Bloodline today. It’s a few years old now - on Netflix - but not bad so far. Both my wife and I are on the fence a few episodes in - …

Mar 5, 2023: Well… my annual subscription automatically renewed today. So i guess that means i will have to try it out and give it another go. I …

May 16, 2022: Day 17: Hold (courtesy of Master and Commander - what a fantasic movie)

Mar 31, 2022: Does anyone have any significant experience with Tiddlywiki? I am considering giving it a serious trial run for personal knowledge management.

Mar 29, 2022: Spring Flowers . . .

Mar 29, 2022: My has been screwed up for some time. Not sure what is going on, but I did change themes. I am prett sure that is it. Unisiatleed and …

Mar 13, 2022: Dogwood at the Front Gate

Feb 23, 2022: “The way to get your account unfrozen is to stop being part of the blockade and occupation,” she added. Canadian Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland …

Feb 13, 2022: Foxlore by Rebecca Green. She’s wearing a crown…like the queen she is.

Feb 10, 2022: Watching the Disney + Hamilton. What a great show! I forgot how good the music is. An enjoyable way to spend an evening.

Feb 9, 2022: From the Harlem Renaissance. Amazing painting. Jumps out at you. And timely, both this month and at the time it was painted. Its a painting of an …

Feb 5, 2022: Reacher on Amazon Prime is excellent. Havent finshed season one yet, but it keeps you guessing. Will write a full review after I finish the season. …

Feb 5, 2022: I think I FINALLY found a solid, supported, cross-platform markdown editor: Typora. It was surprising how long it too to find one. But looks like it …

Feb 4, 2022: Spent a wonderful day with my wife after speaking at a professional conference in a town about an hour from here. We got lunch at an Italian cafe, …

Feb 3, 2022: Sunrise over Destin Harbor . . .good morning!

Feb 3, 2022: Just got a Starlink yesterday. Have not taken it out if the box yet, but will do so this weekend. Does anyone have any experience with Starlink? I am …

Feb 1, 2022: Goodbye Twitter. Hello Micro.Blog…

Feb 1, 2022: Got my first set of glasses today. Kind of wierd. Bifocals. A little hard o get used to. May have been better to get a single lens. So it goes …

Feb 1, 2022: I have had it with Twitter. Renewing my subscription and will hang out here more. There are some things that I will miss, but I believe the …

Nov 27, 2021: Reading Dune (Folio Society edition). Somehow, I have never read this classic of science fiction. I must do so before watching the movie, and I want …

Oct 30, 2021: I have been wanting to read some H.P. Lovecraft for some time. Figured Halloween was the perfect time to finally do it. Choose “The Rats in the …

Oct 21, 2021: I gave up n the photo challenge a few days ago. Found myself forcing posts and being anxious and mad when I would forget. Not worth it. This is the …

Oct 14, 2021: October Photo Challenge: Day Fourteen: Wheels A day of fun

Oct 13, 2021: October Photo Challnge: animals This picture has nothing to do with animals though. It is a painting by Dariusz Grabuś - a Polish Contemporary painter …

Oct 12, 2021: Who is this man? Legend October Photo Challenge: Day Twelve @challenges

Oct 11, 2021: I have no idea what hygge means but here is a oic that seems to go with the theme of other pics i am seeing. And if not, who cares. Fun pic anyway. …

Oct 10, 2021: October photo challenge: Day Ten: Bridges. @challenges

Oct 9, 2021: October Photo Challenge: Day Nine: safe @challenges A safe place . . . .

Oct 8, 2021: October Photo Challenge Day Eight: Twilight @challenges On top of the Pacific

Oct 7, 2021: October Photo Challenge Day Seven: Spice @challenges Delicious Fish on a quiet, rainy evening

Oct 6, 2021: October Photo Challenge Day Six: street @challenges Empty …

Oct 5, 2021: October Photo Challenge Day Five: Toy @challenges A man dressed as a toy . . .

Oct 5, 2021: October Photo Challenge Day Four: Sharp (its a day late, I know. . . . ) @challenges

Oct 3, 2021: October Photo Challenge: Day Three: Majority @challenges Taken in early August 2021. Lots of fun at Red Rocks

Oct 2, 2021: October Photo Challenge. Day Two: dark @challenges

Oct 1, 2021: October Photo Challenge Day One - Touch @challenges

Jul 27, 2021: Just watched Beautiful Girls again … what a great movie. Well-written, excellent soundtrack, memorable characters. Truly a classic and …

Jul 25, 2021: First week of running in the books. Slow pace. Just trying to get my legs used to the stress. 12.1 miles over 4 runs. Did my first “long” run …

Jul 21, 2021: Another week of walking. Getting ready to run. Finished Week Two of my 10K training program. 11.2 miles of walking this week, 20.1 total miles since …

Jul 21, 2021: Debating whether to turn on or off Twitter cross-posting. Had it on for a while, but turned it off last week. Not sure I want to mix my 2 worlds …

Jul 18, 2021: Home from Virginia after attending my brother’s wedding. His first marriage . . . . at 50. Bride and groom looked very happy and a fun time was …

Jul 17, 2021: Swimmer at a local beach doesn’t realize how lucky he is …. hammerhead shark makes a run at him…

Jul 12, 2021: Running that is. Finished the first week of my 10K training program. 8.9 miles of walking over 4 days. Not exactly super stressful, but it has me …

Jul 11, 2021: After a frenetic weekend of trying many options, it appears that I have settled on my RSS solution: InoReader. Actually found it based on a post here …

Jul 10, 2021: Starting to run again. I am not fast, but I do enjoy it. I think just like being outside and getting fresh air. Running gives me a reason to do that. …

Jul 9, 2021: After quite a few years away, I dusted off my old RSS readers to see what is going on in the space. Quite a lot. Signed up for Feedly pro, but …

Jul 5, 2021: Remake/Remodel by Roxy Music Roxy Music’s first song on its first album. And what a song! Hard not to love the Oboe. Written and vocals by Bryan …

Jul 5, 2021: Finished reading: Irresistible North: From Venice To Greenland On The Trail Of The Zen Brothers by Di Robilant, Andrea , 1957- 📚 An interesting time …

Jul 5, 2021: Still struggle with Looking at alternatives . . again. . . but constant switching is not good either. Think I will give a go again. At …

May 15, 2021: Daily Art. Such a great app.

May 11, 2021: 30 years ago . . . going back soon.

Apr 17, 2021: Current situation….

Mar 29, 2021: Word of the day: cog A single-masted sailing vessel, clinker-built, with steep sides and a flat bottom. One of the primary trade vessels in the High …

Mar 28, 2021: Started reading Irresistible North by Andrew Di Robilant. It is about the Zen(o) Brothers and the family’s claims in the late Middle Ages that …

Mar 20, 2021: Five years …

Mar 7, 2021: Our current financial markets have the nationalization of loss and the privatization of gain. This will not end well.

Mar 1, 2021: ‘“There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and …

Feb 22, 2021: I simply love this …

Feb 18, 2021: Facebook just de-platformed Australia. If that doesn’t show you who is in charge (at least for a while) nothing will.

Feb 9, 2021: Word of the day: exhausted Nuff said

Feb 8, 2021: Pandora - I love it. Fantastic for music discovery.

Feb 8, 2021: Glad the Super Bowl is over. Now the Chiefs can keep talking about all the rings they are going to win. And Tom Brady and keep winning them. At least …

Feb 7, 2021: Word of the Day: lockdown Presented without comment:

Feb 1, 2021: So I got my parents an internet connected photo-frame for Christmas. Amazingly, they set up all by themselves and have even loaded a few photos into …

Feb 1, 2021: February Photo: Day One - close up 📷

Jan 31, 2021: Word of the Day: Silver Blue Horseshoe loves silver

Jan 30, 2021: Word of the Day: Short Sale

Jan 30, 2021: Originally published in 1978. Presented without comment. “If you wish to keep slaves, you must have all kinds of guards. The cheapest way to have …

Jan 28, 2021: Word of the Day: Establishment People shouldn’t be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people. - Alan Moore, V …

Jan 27, 2021: Just finished Homeland - Season 2 Better than Season 1 in my opinion. Really solid. Looking forward to Season 3. No spoilers please.

Jan 27, 2021: Word of the Day: chresmomancy “predicting the future by examinaing the ravings of lunatics” Its a perfect word to describe today’s …

Jan 26, 2021: Word of the Day: Joy

Jan 26, 2021: Word of the Day: Sikkim Border clashes between 2 superpowers should always make the WOD

Jan 25, 2021: Brady… Brady … Brady …. Unbelievable

Jan 24, 2021: Word of the Day: Overcast It has been an unusual Winter in Florida. Very overcast. Dreary. Florida is known for its sun. But it is nowhere to be found …

Jan 23, 2021: My daughter left for school today to finish up her senior year. She has been home for over a year. Last year in January we watched her get on a plane …

Jan 23, 2021: Word of the Day: absence

Jan 22, 2021: Word of the Day: Sphinx Ran into one of these beauties in the mountain of Colorado. To be honest, I thought it was a hummingbird at first. Flew and …

Jan 21, 2021: I am really enjoying so far. Trying to find one person a day or so to follow. So far all good

Jan 21, 2021: Word of the Day: Unity

Jan 20, 2021: Larry Sanger starts a microblog . . . but I dont think it is this…

Jan 20, 2021: Yeah, Portugal! Europe’s first digital nomad village to come up in Portugal - Times of India Travel

Jan 20, 2021: Word of the Day: Transition What stared with John Adams and the election of 1800 has keep going, with a few bumps here and there, for 220 years and …

Jan 19, 2021: Mrs RC and I finished watching Homeland Season 1 yesterday. Excellent. All i could say throughout that last episode of Season 1 is “Where is …

Jan 19, 2021: I love podcasts. Once you start listening, you can’t stop. But then the next problem hits: how to mange. Castro is supposed to make it easy. At least …

Jan 18, 2021: Word of the Day: King

Jan 17, 2021: Brady. Brady. Brady…. NE South moving on to the NFC Championship game.

Jan 17, 2021: Word of the Day: Birman

Jan 16, 2021: Currently reading: The New Great Depression: Winners and Losers in a Post-Pandemic World by Rickards, James 📚

Jan 16, 2021: Still working on getting comfortable with Mapping a domain and setting up a site. Quick question for anyone out there listening Do people …

Jan 16, 2021: Still working through To be honest, it is still a little confusing. But I have enjoyed my limited community inerations so far, and will be …

Jan 16, 2021: Word of the day: Sunrise

Jan 15, 2021: Word of the day: stimulus

Jan 14, 2021: Important lesson. What you read on social media is wrong and it can have devastating effects in the innocent Trolls Wrongly Accused Retired …

Jan 13, 2021: Important reminder What Decentralization Requires – Larry Sanger Blog

Jan 12, 2021: Day Four of completely overcast skies and cold in North Florida … feel like I am living in Seattle or New England right now

Jan 12, 2021: Started watching Homeland this past weekend with the Mrs. So far, excellent

Jan 12, 2021: Great piece about the devolution of journalism and its effects by Matt Taibbi. ‘“You can’t sell hatred and seriously expect it to end”. …

Jan 11, 2021: Renegaing with after a 3 year hiatus. Twitter refugee. Trying our several services, but not going back to twitter. I need more peace and …

Mar 4, 2018: Things you won’t hear in the US Media … “extraordinary” increase in American oil production could supply all world oil demand. From @TheEconomist

Jan 17, 2018: Anyone subscribe(d) to Setapp? If so, worth it? Happy?

Jan 16, 2018: We are under a winter weather advisory tonight - might even see some snow. Been living in Florida for over 20 years. Saw a snow flurry … once

Jan 15, 2018: Here is the obligatory first post on I am looking forward to trying out a new platform. Looks interesting. Getting tired of Twitter. I …

Dec 26, 2016: I have had this blog since 2012 and maintained it (loosely defined) since then. I started out on Blogger, then moved to Wordpress. Got tired of that …