Well, I discovered why the photo challenge is called a challenge. Because it’s not easy.

Seems like it would be easy – just post a photo every day for 30 days – but it’s not. Life just gets in the way. For me I got sick for a while, I had a travel to a wedding, and work… the ever present work. Reminds me of something one of my professors said to me when I was in grad school. At a time I had a young family. It was living apart for them to go to school and commuting home on the weekends. It was difficult. I was also older and it was training for a second career after being in the military. Basically, I was not your typical student living your typical student experience.

When I mentioned these challenges to my professor, she said “well school would be easy if life didn’t get in the way.” But it always does, doesn’t it?

As I’ve gotten older, I realized that John Lennon was right, life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans. It’s a journey that should be enjoyed. It cannot be planned to perfection.

And so, if you didn’t complete the photo challenge, who cares? There’ll be another one coming along soon, and if you fail that one too, no matter. All that matters is that I had fun posting some photos and I’m still posting at the end of the month. Why? Because I’m enjoying it. And that’s enough. It is all that matters